Shulas Lunch Seminar – Contract Prep / Closing & Homestead Issues
Thu 6th Nov, 2014 | Seminars by Michael Michetti
DATE: Wednesday, November 19, 11:30 am
At the Shula’s Steakhouse / Naples Hilton in Naples!
Please join us to discuss the Art of the Real Estate Contract and Closing & Homestead Issues. Attorneys, Michael Michetti and Patrick Mize will walk you through contract language, contract preparation, contract negotiation, and take title and homestead ramifications at closing:
- Refresher on Contract Preparation;
- Contract forms; a brief discussion about NABOR 2014 and FARBAR forms;
- Contract negotiation, amendments and changing the standard forms;
- Preparing special provisions;
- Vagueness and Ambiguity – the path to disputes;
- Homestead Law; Taking Title In Trust
Register via email: [email protected]
Or 239-325-4070