Thu 4th Aug, 2016 | Blog by Michael Michetti
By: Rachel Kerlek, Esq. It would be difficult not to notice the rapid growth in a housing development that Naples is currently experiencing. New home construction is popping up in areas that were previously undeveloped. While this is obviously keeping our real estate department busy, it also impacts our litigation team in a variety of different ways. Read on to understand how growth in the real estate development industry might affect you and your community …
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Thu 4th Aug, 2016 | Blog by Michael Michetti
By: Loretta Tsiskakis, Esq. When purchasing real estate in Florida, buyers often overlook the benefits of working with a real estate attorney during the transaction because they assume it will increase the length of the process and be more costly. This is not necessarily true. While both title companies and law firms may issue titles: only an attorney trained in real estate transactions can also help you overcome legal issues that may surface from contract …
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Thu 4th Aug, 2016 | Blog by Michael Michetti
Music fans were shocked this April when news broke that legendary performer Prince was found dead at age 57. While loved ones mourned his sudden passing, another shock came: Prince died without a will. What is the result of the lack of an estate plan for Prince? First, the government will heavily tax Prince’s estimated $250 million estate, which will owe roughly $100 million in estate taxes due to the lack of planning. Second, the …
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Wed 27th Jul, 2016 | News by Michael Michetti
On July 19, 2016, Gulfshore Business held its 2016 Best of Business Awards. WWMRG was nominated in the “small” law firm category. At the awards dinner, Gulfshore Business announced that our little firm (which started with 4lawyers in 2010 and has grown to 17 in 2016) had won the award for Best Small Firm in Southwest Florida. WWMRG would like to thank all of those responsible …
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