SAVE THE DATE: 3rd Annual Realtor® Assembly on June 13 at the Ritz Carlton Beach Resort – Naples, Florida
Tue 19th Feb, 2019 | Events, Seminars by Michael Michetti, in continuing education, real estate, real estate closings, realtor, residential real estate, seminar
WWMR is proud to announce that it will be holding its 3rd Annual Realtor® Assembly on June 13 at the Ritz Carlton Beach Resort – Naples, Florida.
WWMR’s goal is to provide Realtors in Southwest Florida with a comprehensive educational event. As such we will be hosting this day-long event providing educational sessions on an array of legal topics relevant to the day-to-day practice of real estate agents in the area. The event will include:
- Attorney taught educational seminars
- Continuing Education Credit Available
- Marketing and Networking opportunities
- Peer led discussions on the SW Florida real estate market
For updates and more information visit Eventbrite or check back here!