Thu 2nd Oct, 2014 | Events, Seminars by Michael Michetti
DATE: Thursday, October 16, 11:30 am At the BEAR Office in the Bernwood Office Park… As real estate agents, you maintain and improve your livelihood through the receipt of commissions on real estate transactions. Therefore, you must be prepared to adequately protect your commissions. Protect against what? How about buyers and sellers you bring together who proceed to avoid you and complete a transaction without paying the commission? Or individuals who employ the “squeeze” …
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Thu 2nd Oct, 2014 | Events, Seminars by Michael Michetti
REDUX: FARBAR v. the NEW NABOR DATE: Thursday, October 16, 11:30 am At the Shula’s Steakhouse / Naples Hilton in Naples! In November 2012, we hosted a seminar comparing and contrasting the various contract forms…As everyone knows, in 2014 NABOR released revisions to the NABOR Sales Contract (Residential Improved Property)…and the questions re-surfaced. Which form is better? This interactive session will discuss an in-depth comparison of the two forms and their ancillary types and addenda. …
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Fri 12th Sep, 2014 | Seminars by Michael Michetti
SELLER DISCLOSURES DATE: Monday, September 22, 2014 Location: BEAR Office Lunch & Learn Have you ever heard of the landmark case Johnson v. Davis? Well it is time you learned what all the fuss was about. This month Casey Weidenmiller, Esq., and the attorneys at Woods, Weidenmiller, Michetti & Rudnick, PL will be providing an overview and answer questions related to what must be disclosed to a purchaser by a seller [and a seller’s …
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Fri 12th Sep, 2014 | Seminars by Michael Michetti
NABOR CONTRACT The 2014 Changes DATE: Thursday, September 25, 11:30 am At the Shula’s Steakhouse / Naples Hilton in Naples! Instructor: Michael Michetti In 2014 NABOR released revisions to the NABOR Sales Contract (Residential Improved Property), various NABOR forms, and released a new “as is” contract. This interactive session will discuss everything you need to know about the changes to the NABOR contract and the new forms. With the number of transactions increasing exponentially, these …
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